Balexert Medical Dental Center
Conveniently located on the 2nd floor of the Balexert shopping center, their team of dentists offers multidisciplinary care for all oral pathologies. Dental care is personalized and tailored to each patient.
CMD Balexert & Blandonnet wanted to review their entire digital strategy.
With this in mind, a comprehensive strategy was proposed to achieve the main objectives for existing and future customers, based on the redesign of the website, SEO and community management.
A new website focused on the CTA, to clarify the types of treatment available and how to book appointments.
Increased, targeted SEO visibility, supported by local, didactic communication via social networks to popularize and deal with themes specific to their field of reference.
CMD mockup

- The search for meaning is our reason for being
- Listening skills
- Thinking skills
- Sense of detail